Alright, I'm back with another choice. Colby and I are so excited about doing this. We're pulling for our families to start saving their money NOW so they can come and stay with us to see what we're doing. Anyone else is welcome to start saving now as well. ;) Here's our next pick: Romania! This is a picture of Translyvania, Romania scary huh!
Stats for Romania:
- Location: Southeast Europe
- Borders:It is bordered by Ukraine and Moldova in the northeast; Hungary and Serbia and Montenegro in the west and Bulgaria to the south along the Danube River.
- Politics: Romania is a democratic republic
- Religion: Christian Orthodox-86%
- Language: Romanian-Romance language.
- Climate: Temperate-Cold winters, hot summers.
- Capital: Bucharest
- Population: 21,800,000
1. Holidays celebrated are: Christmas, Easter, National Woman's Day, New Year's, Mărţişor, and they're starting to celebrate Valentine's Day.
2. Vampires are believed to hang around crossroads on St. George's Day, April 23rd, and the eve of St. Andrew, November 29th. The area is also home to Bram Stoker's Dracula. OOOooooo.....
3. Romanians have a tradition of drinking a shot of tuica before a meal. It is supposed to help with digestion.
4. Mamaliga ‑ a cornmeal mush, Is the Romanian all purpose staple food. Hot, cold, fried, it is delicious in melted butter, sour cream or yogurts, garnished with salt herring and cottage cheese, or eaten with eggs for breakfast, and added to meat dishes.
Well, what do you think? Do you think I can live without my sushi, fried potatoes, and macaroni and cheese?