Thursday, January 25, 2007
Student teaching. Student teaching. Student teaching....This week I started student teaching with a first grade class. Upon entering the building I knew it wasn't going to be very good. The first day not one single person spoke to me. At lunch I felt like the kid who got picked last for dodge ball, I sat there all alone looking around and no one introduced themselves or even smiled at me. The teacher I was helping informed me that she was a perfectionist, and I realized then this is my hell. Things went on and now I'm no longer in that room. I'll now be transferred to a fifth grade classroom. There is much more to this story, but its not worth going into right now because I'm getting ready to eat and I'm watching House.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
It's the small things that make my blood boil.
The most annoying sound quite possibly could be the sound of a muffled crunching of a 300lb man stuffing popcorn into his mouth. It's a horrible sound!All you can hear is the crunch and a nasally whistle he creates because he cannot take his hand from his mouth long enough to breathe. I was graced with this sound tonight... Yes ladies and gentlemen, I was at the movie theater watching a fantastic movie, that was ruined by six teenage girls who need their mouths washed out with bleach and a brillo pad, and the man who had the never ending tub o' popcorn. I think i'll start watching movies on dvds.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wedding Woes
Last night I stayed up because I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about wedding details... I'm terrified that we'll end up putting the planning off so long we'll be getting married in someones apartment-probably mine.
There are SO many things to consider when planning a wedding. I've looked at so many places to possibly have the wedding: Parks, Hotels, Chapels, Churches, Fields... Then you have to think about well, Is it going to rain? Then you need tents-$800 tents. If its outside you need tables, chairs, floors, air conditioning...
If it's inside-is there enough room? Do we have to drive forever from the wedding site to the reception site. How much will it cost to just get married? $900 for 3 hours...
This is so stressful... Every place has the goods....but most have the bad as well... Only time will tell.
Lindsay Call Me! I'm drowning in wedding plans, and I may not make my way out of this one!
There are SO many things to consider when planning a wedding. I've looked at so many places to possibly have the wedding: Parks, Hotels, Chapels, Churches, Fields... Then you have to think about well, Is it going to rain? Then you need tents-$800 tents. If its outside you need tables, chairs, floors, air conditioning...
If it's inside-is there enough room? Do we have to drive forever from the wedding site to the reception site. How much will it cost to just get married? $900 for 3 hours...
This is so stressful... Every place has the goods....but most have the bad as well... Only time will tell.
Lindsay Call Me! I'm drowning in wedding plans, and I may not make my way out of this one!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Shit Storm
Wow! We were really hit hard! Yesterday I called in to wal-mart so I could go and help my parents, who's power could possibly be out for two weeks. I brought the guys with me and we used the chainsaw to get rid of all the branches and trees blocking the house. It was really difficult to even get to my parents house. Every road had down power lines, so we took a major detour. IT was absolutely freezing at home, they eventually got a generator so the blower on the fireplace can warm the house a little. The toilet seat was FREEZING!
Right now on t.v we're watching a "special report" that interrupted Bob Barker! Apparently we're under a boil order, and there have been a ton of people breaking in to different shops and stealing things... People are terrible.
Right now on t.v we're watching a "special report" that interrupted Bob Barker! Apparently we're under a boil order, and there have been a ton of people breaking in to different shops and stealing things... People are terrible.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Walking in a Winter.....Death Trap.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Towards the bottom of the page I've added photos, I've been meaning to post those for a long time, but didn't really get around to it. I'm just sprucing the blog. It's definitely not as fantastic as some, but I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Html, and CSS.
This will have to do for now. Thanks for sticking around.
This will have to do for now. Thanks for sticking around.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
All Work and No Play...
I've decided to give Wal-Mart the finger. Well, not entirely...I'm going on leave of absence for student teaching. I'll start said leave of absence on February 2nd. I'm very excited because although I'll still be in working at student teaching, I'll not really be working.
I'm very excited, this semester is going to fly by with teaching, planning the wedding, engagement parties, wedding showers, the wedding, actually getting married, the honeymoon, and moving to actually start our lives.
So yeah, I'm giving wal-mart the finger...
I'm very excited, this semester is going to fly by with teaching, planning the wedding, engagement parties, wedding showers, the wedding, actually getting married, the honeymoon, and moving to actually start our lives.
So yeah, I'm giving wal-mart the finger...
Monday, January 08, 2007
Lets take a journey into the past shall we? Close your eyes and imagine a very awkward 10 year old girl. This girl wore pants with the elastic band that went around the bottom of the foot, I believe they're called stirrup pants, her hair was short and she usually looked as though she went through a shit storm before school everyday. During her free time she would get together with her best pal, who also wore stirrup pants...Sorry Linz. They concocted great things together.
Shampoo that we assured was not tested on animals, rather my little sister, Stori. We made a volcano and blew it up in third grade, and experimented with a bottle warmer in fourth grade.
Lets jump back to the present. A few mornings ago I was so thirsty the first thing that came out of my mouth when Colby got out of bed was, "I need a drink. Juice, the cranberry-grape kind. Please." Like a wicked cool fiance he ran downstairs and came back with a glass of juice. I drank some and finally got out of bed, the juice held close to me like a squirrel holds his last nut. I took the juice to the computer room and proceeded getting ready for work. The next day I went about the same routine, but the nice glass of juice I had left on my desk was no longer nice. A large mushroom cap of mold had begun to grow.
Now, we all know that it takes at least a week before your juice begins to grow legs and walk, so I thought: If this happened in one day, what could happen in one week... The little girl in me laughed because she knew Linz would be proud.
One week to the day I decided it has started to get out of hand and added water to it with the intention to pour it down the bathroom sink. As soon as the water hit it started to smoke. My 'OH SHIT' sensor went off and my first instinct was to dump it down the toilet, close the lid, and flush. Immediately afterward I heard this huge explosion and remembered what the teachers had said about- Tuck and roll...or was that someone else? Anyhow I screamed for Colby and he came running up the stairs unaware that I had just about blew away the top floor of our townhouse.
I stood outside the door only peeking around the corner every now and again. Colby was very confused to the situation. I'm definitely going to try it again.
Shampoo that we assured was not tested on animals, rather my little sister, Stori. We made a volcano and blew it up in third grade, and experimented with a bottle warmer in fourth grade.
Lets jump back to the present. A few mornings ago I was so thirsty the first thing that came out of my mouth when Colby got out of bed was, "I need a drink. Juice, the cranberry-grape kind. Please." Like a wicked cool fiance he ran downstairs and came back with a glass of juice. I drank some and finally got out of bed, the juice held close to me like a squirrel holds his last nut. I took the juice to the computer room and proceeded getting ready for work. The next day I went about the same routine, but the nice glass of juice I had left on my desk was no longer nice. A large mushroom cap of mold had begun to grow.
Now, we all know that it takes at least a week before your juice begins to grow legs and walk, so I thought: If this happened in one day, what could happen in one week... The little girl in me laughed because she knew Linz would be proud.
One week to the day I decided it has started to get out of hand and added water to it with the intention to pour it down the bathroom sink. As soon as the water hit it started to smoke. My 'OH SHIT' sensor went off and my first instinct was to dump it down the toilet, close the lid, and flush. Immediately afterward I heard this huge explosion and remembered what the teachers had said about- Tuck and roll...or was that someone else? Anyhow I screamed for Colby and he came running up the stairs unaware that I had just about blew away the top floor of our townhouse.
I stood outside the door only peeking around the corner every now and again. Colby was very confused to the situation. I'm definitely going to try it again.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Goody Goody Gumdrops...and stuff.
Yes it is! As I was walking the mall humming, "War, huh yeah, what is it good for? Absolutely Nothing...yeahhhhhhh WAR...." I don't know why it was in my head, just go with it.
I noticed Starbucks and thought man wouldn't it be.....Then I saw it. A huge chalkboard that said It's BACK! The Cinnamon Dolce Latte! I made a U-turn right into Starbucks. I wasn't even thirsty, but that's what it does to me. They said would you like to try it with the sugar free syrup and I was disgusted they would even suggest such a thing...
I even carried on a conversation with the coffee barrista about how excited and thankful I was that they had it back. He told me they had boxes and boxes of it and I thought I might just have a seizure right there in line I was so happy!
So who wants to hold up Starbucks with me?
I noticed Starbucks and thought man wouldn't it be.....Then I saw it. A huge chalkboard that said It's BACK! The Cinnamon Dolce Latte! I made a U-turn right into Starbucks. I wasn't even thirsty, but that's what it does to me. They said would you like to try it with the sugar free syrup and I was disgusted they would even suggest such a thing...
I even carried on a conversation with the coffee barrista about how excited and thankful I was that they had it back. He told me they had boxes and boxes of it and I thought I might just have a seizure right there in line I was so happy!
So who wants to hold up Starbucks with me?
Sorry Dad.
So I ventured to the mall today and picked up some much needed accessories. I think accessories really make the outfit. I bought two necklaces, one pair of red hoops, and some head bands, ohh and a really cute wide black belt to go on the outside of this white button down shirt that I bought.
I've said it many many times, and I'll say it again- I hate going to the mall. Especially by myself. I left this morning to run errands for my wicked cool fiance, and go shopping and I just didn't feel like getting 'ready' I didn't look the part to go shopping. I had an old t-shirt with my college logo, and my MOST FAVORITE PAIR OF JEANS the ones with the holes in each knee. These jeans were not bought with holes, they have evolved into what are now my most favorite, comfy pair of jeans. If my dad were reading this he'd cringe.
Growing up if I had a shirt or jeans with a hole, even if it were a very small hole, somehow he'd manage to hook it with this finger and proceed to rip it as we walked by him. He always said that his girls would not walk out of the house with holes in their clothes-"You look like a rag doll" he would say.
I've said it many many times, and I'll say it again- I hate going to the mall. Especially by myself. I left this morning to run errands for my wicked cool fiance, and go shopping and I just didn't feel like getting 'ready' I didn't look the part to go shopping. I had an old t-shirt with my college logo, and my MOST FAVORITE PAIR OF JEANS the ones with the holes in each knee. These jeans were not bought with holes, they have evolved into what are now my most favorite, comfy pair of jeans. If my dad were reading this he'd cringe.
Growing up if I had a shirt or jeans with a hole, even if it were a very small hole, somehow he'd manage to hook it with this finger and proceed to rip it as we walked by him. He always said that his girls would not walk out of the house with holes in their clothes-"You look like a rag doll" he would say.
Last night I was really hungry so I made a frozen pizza and had some french fries.... ITS HORRIBLE, but I did it. Then I walked over to the magazines and picked up beauty and fitness, a bridal magazine. It didn't even occur to me what I was doing until I was flipping through the pages and found the 'diet' portion of the magazine.
I sometimes feel like I'm waiting for my motivation, even though I feel like that should have been...Hey fat ass, you're getting married!
I'm going shopping.
I sometimes feel like I'm waiting for my motivation, even though I feel like that should have been...Hey fat ass, you're getting married!
I'm going shopping.
Little Black Dress
There are times in our lives when we'll wear little black dresses right? I recently bought a "little black dress" It is SO cute, its a satin type of material, with a v-neck, and drops down low in the back. I was going to wear it for new years, but chickened out. I'm always doing that, I feel like since I'm already a freakish six foot tall, why add heals and a "little black dress"? I think I'm going to take it right back to the mall and exchange it for some student teaching clothes....Growing up sucks.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
So a new year has finally arrived. We brought it in with a bang. I won't go into details, I'll only tell you that Colby hugged a trashcan on the couch all night. :) Today is my last day to work this week, I have Wednesday-Friday off. During this time I'll be racking my brain trying to figure out where we'll get married...etc.
It would be so much easier if you could go online and look at all the different locations with all the different prices all lined up so you could compare. BLEH!
For my bridesmaids...we'll really need to get your sizes soon so I can have my lady start making your dresses...we really need to go shopping for fabric.
I got my student teaching calendar today... I start officially student teaching on the 17th of January. Exciting.
Christmas was fantastic, I got to enjoy two days with my family which was very nice. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a fantastic New Year!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY PARENTS! Their anniversary was new years eve.
It would be so much easier if you could go online and look at all the different locations with all the different prices all lined up so you could compare. BLEH!
For my bridesmaids...we'll really need to get your sizes soon so I can have my lady start making your dresses...we really need to go shopping for fabric.
I got my student teaching calendar today... I start officially student teaching on the 17th of January. Exciting.
Christmas was fantastic, I got to enjoy two days with my family which was very nice. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a fantastic New Year!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY PARENTS! Their anniversary was new years eve.
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