What are your middle names?
My middle name is non-existent, as in I have no middle name. Colby's middle name is Colby... He goes by his middle name.
How long have you been together?
We've been married almost 2 years and before that we were together 6 years.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met via a friend... We talked to each other for about 5 months before we started dating.
Who asked whom out?
I guess I asked him... or maybe it was a mutual thing?
How old are each of you?
I am 25 and Colby is 24.. but not for much longer. We have a small window when we're the same age. :) As of now he's sleeping with an older woman.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
We don't see either of them at the moment with us living all the way out in Washington and our families back in the Midwest. Colby's brother Jacob lives in Missouri and my sister Stori lives in Kentucky with her husband and two babies. When we lived back home we saw Colby's brother more often because he was closer.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
I think being away from home has been a hard thing to deal with as a couple. I'm not in a job that I find fantastic right now, so I'm missing home more than I thought and I miss the things we were able to do at home. It gets lonely out here in Washington when we each have a busy load. I also tend to keep things bottled in, and Colby always seems to have to drag things out of me. I am working on that. I'll always be working on that.
Did you go to the same school?
We didn't go to high school together, but we did go to Missouri State University together. We graduated in 2007.
Are you from the same home town?
No. Colby is from a small town south of Kansas City - Butler, Mo and I'm from a small town in Southwest Missouri called, Aurora. Apparently people from Southwest Missouri have an accent, or so my mother-in-law says.. :)
Who is smarter?
Colby is far smarter than I am. He is able to retain all this information- anything he reads, watches on T.V. or hears he is able to regurgitate when the time's right. I have my moments, but I tend to work twice as hard at it.
Who is the most sensitive?
Ahem. Next question.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
There aren't a lot of places here in Pullman, WA to pick from, but we have a little restaurant in Moscow, ID that we enjoy called, The Red Door. It's fantastic and always a great date night.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Who has the craziest exes?
Wow. We've both had the exes....I don't know that I would call any of mine crazy, "different" maybe, but not crazy. Colby has had some winners too though....and he wins this one. Drama QUEENS!
Who has the worst temper?
I think we both are pretty level headed when it comes to this one, but.... I'm going to go ahead and raise my hand on this one. It depends on the day, but if it's not going particularly well I have a short fuse. It doesn't last very long, but they're not pleasant. You want to be on my good side, we'll leave it at that. Especially if you're the guy that just cut me off in traffic.
Who does the cooking?
Colby is the cook in this relationship, although I have my very small pool of recipes that I pull from. He's always trying new things and adding in secret ingredients. I love love love that I have a husband who likes to get his hands dirty in the kitchen!
Who is the neat-freak?
Neither one of us are neat-freaks. This is not a good thing. We will do things like leave the vacuum in the middle of the staircase and walk around it for like a week before we really notice we're struggling to get past the damn thing. Then we'll put it away ..... the next week. We are, however, a great cleaning team when we put our minds to it. I think we're just so busy and we've moved so many times that it's not a big deal anymore if the spatula is in the drawer where it belongs, or sitting on the staircase with the vacuum.
Who is more stubborn?
Colby. Enough said.
Who hogs the bed?
Me, but not on purpose. I still maintain that I'm just warming up his side of the bed. I'm a flailer.
Who wakes up earlier?
It depends on the day. If Colby is going to the gym then he's up at 5:30. If he isn't then at 8:00 I'm at the bottom of the stairs yelling, "I'll see you at 6! Are you still in bed?! GET UP! Ok, I'm leaving.....coooooooooooolbbbby wake up.... Ok bye... See you tonight? I love you? Hello?" until he comes downstairs and tells me to have a good day.
Where was your first date?
The James River Grill in Springfield.
Who is more jealous?
This information is protected by the therapist-client privilege.
How long did it take to get serious?
It was always serious, I knew I would be with him forever.
Who eats more?
I think I eat more often, but Colby is always finishing the things on my plate. Does that make us even?
Who does the laundry?
We both do when we think of it. Again with the neat-freak thing.
Who's better with the computer?
Hands down that would be Colby. He can build a computer blindfolded with one hand tied behind his back... It makes me so hot.
Who drives when you are together?
Colby when he has his glasses on. I drive everyday to work and he walks, so when we're together I let him have a turn. I like to put my feet on the dashboard. Dangerous I know, but I like to live on the wild side.
Feel free to answer some or all of the same questions about your significant other in the comments, or leave a link to your website if you prefer answering there.