First let me start off by saying that Colby and I knew that we were cutting it pretty close with our due date, May 1st. We were in Washington at the time while Colby was attending Grad School and he was due to graduate on May 8th, 2010. This was nothing out of the ordinary for us, we tend to do everything all at once. *Recall back to when we got married- We graduated with our bachelors, I taught kindergarten until the day of our wedding rehearsal, got married the next day, went on our honeymoon the next morning, got back from the honeymoon on a Sunday, Started teaching summer school on the following Monday... We hit the ground running. Always.
Anyways, we knew it would be cutting it close because we were already set to move back to Missouri on May 9th...Mother's Day. I didn't want to fly across the country with a baby that was a couple of days old (in case I went late), so we opted to have our baby induced.
We were being induced on Friday, April 23rd, and I worked until the night before. Friday morning came and Colby's Mom had flown out in anticipation for the arrival of her first grand baby. We shopped for baby things, made sure the bag was packed, went out for my "last meal", and that evening nestled into the hospital room where it was all about to happen, which I would like to add was a very nice "homey" room.
The nurse walked in and explained to me that she was going to check my cervix and see if I had dilated any since my last doctor's appointment. Then she put the gloves on and SWEET MERCY...I thought I was going to crawl up the walls...I knew I was in for a very long night. She told me that I was barely dilated to a 1 and that I wasn't even 50% effaced. How in the world did I go from 90% to 50%? She seemed annoyed that the doctor would let me be induced and let me know that she thought I was going to be in the hospital for a while, if not sent home and then have to come back after the 2 days of rest.
She left us alone after that and said to let her know if I needed anything. Around 3 a.m I woke up to contractions, Colby was asleep and his Mom had went back to our apartment to rest. I didn't want to wake Colby up because I didn't think we had anything serious going on at that point.
5:00 A.M- Didn't feel that great, woke up Colby and told him I was ready to sit in the jacuzzi pool to relax.
6:00 A.M - Colby lets his mom know what's going on and the nurse comes in to check me again. I'm moving right along at 2-3 cm
7:00ish A.M- I start puking.... with EVERY contraction! Uhhh Misery... Until the nurse gives me something in my IV that nearly makes me fall out of bed.
8:00 A.M- I'm being bombarded with phone calls from my Sister, and Mom :) Love you guys!
9:00 A.M- The nurse is concerned that I am going to be one of those moms that GO FAST...and keeps asking me if I feel pressure and If I want an epidural.... I say I'm not sure, she calls the anesthesiologist anyways.
9:30 A.M- The anesthesiologist arrives and we decide to go ahead with an epidural even though it wasn't in our "plans". He was amazing, it didn't hurt at all. Everything feels fine so Colby and his Mom go to get something from the cafeteria.
9:35 A.M- The epidural only numbs my right side and I can feel ALL THE CONTRACTIONS on my left. So I hit the button to give me more medicine....It didn't work. Colby's mom comes back into the room and I explain that I need hands to hold.... NOW. And we're breathing....
The rest of the time really feels like a blur. I know we're breathing, and I'm doing a damn good job at that, but time sort of flies out the window. Around 11:00 or 11:30 the anesthesiologist comes back to try and help our situation, but to no avail. It just makes the right side even more numb and now I can't move that leg. Somewhere during this the doctor breaks my water.
The nurse comes in to check me and Freaks out and starts asking if I feel pressure and explains that she can feel the baby's head very close.... and calls for the doctor. At this point the doctor asks me to push a few times to see if we make any progress...and then tells me that she wants to let the epidural wear off because I can't tell what I'm doing.
We wait for what seems like forever, I explain that I'm going to start inventing some new curse words. Everyone laughs, but I'm serious.
The doctor comes back and I am able to start pushing and I can REALLY feel it now. Pressure, YES I FEEL PRESSURE! Panic sets in as I tell them to just get him OUT! I push for less than 30 minutes and at 1:11 that afternoon he's here...
He's absolutely beautiful and never in my life have things been so still. Everything about him was amazing. My first words to him, "Hi love, I'm your mommy."
1 comment:
Everything about you and Emmy amaze me... You will always be as special to me as I know Emmy is to you.. And me..
Love Always,
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