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Springfield, Missouri, United States
Char-Marie * Twenty-Nine * College Grad * Stay at Home Mommy * Web Designer * My Husband Colby * My Son Emery * Friends * Family * Yoga * Sweet tea * Shoes * Shopping * Music * Independent Films * Sushi * Mimosa * My nieces Maggie and Macee * Missouri

Blog Archive

Saturday, November 19, 2011

18+ months.

Dear Emery Jack,

I feel so guilty for not having this post written right away. There were many times that I thought about it this past month, but every time I sit down to write, life happens. I cannot believe that my tiny little baby that I brought home from the hospital in his sweet little blue striped tiger pants is a year and a half already. Where does the time go? When you get older you'll see what I mean.

There are so many new things you've brightened our days with. You recently had your 2nd Halloween, but this time you were able to trick-or-treat and get candy. I only let you have a few suckers, but those suckers were the best things EVER in your eyes. You dressed as Elmo this year and you were the cutest Elmo EVER!

October was a very crazy month in our household. I had parent teacher conferences and it was SO stressful. There are so many times I wonder if going back to work was the best thing for our family. Yes, you're doing great at daycare, but there are some days that you'd rather have your mommy and even more days where your mommy would rather have you. I feel extremely guilty for leaving you each morning and going to a class full of children that half the time would rather be anywhere, but the classroom. I don't blame the kids, but the families are a whole different story. Most of these kids do not have support from their parents OR they let their children run the house and tell them what to do, which makes my job extremely difficult.

I love you to pieces Emery and that's why dad and I decided that this may not be my niche. I went into teaching thinking I would make a big difference, but I'm not sure all the time away from my family is making that difference. It's very disheartening. This is a job that you can't necessarily leave at the door. There are a lot of nights that I come home with a heavy heart, but you and your daddy lift me up as soon as I see your face.

You have started to be very snugly. Every time I pick you up from daycare you run to me with your hands in the air and lay your head on my shoulder. Sometimes you even pat me on the back. I am so in love with you.

You are really working on your words and have a couple favorite words that you throw around daily: NO, nine, "melmo"- Elmo, Momma, Daddy, TRACTOR! This one you say over and over when we're in the car and you see anything on wheels. :)

You are the silliest little guy I know and everyone that comes in contact with you loves you. When we go out to dinner you wave at everyone and tell them Hi. When people stand up to leave you tell them bye.

I love you to the moon and back.



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

17 Months

Dear Emery Jack,

It has been a crazy month obviously since we're 11 days into October, and I'm just getting around to 17 months! You are such a handsome, smart little man! I know I say it every month, but you really change so much every single day.

I picked you up at daycare a few days ago and you immediately ran to me, put your hands up for me to pick you up, and kissed me. Then, you blew a kiss to all of the girls in your classroom and pointed to the door, as if to say, "Let's get out of here mom. I have places to be!"

We have been spending countless nights looking at your baby board books working on animal sounds. You are getting SO good at them!

You know:

Cat- "NooW"
Cow-"muuu muu"
Lion, Tigers, and Bears- "Graaaaarr"
Owls- "ooo oooo"
Baby Chicks- "cheep cheeep"
Monkey- "ahh ahh ahh"
Aunt Stori- "ahh ahh ahh"

I love you to the moon and back Emery.



Monday, August 29, 2011

16 Months

Dear Emery Jack,

I have officially started my new job at Ash Grove teaching third grade. I have to say that as much as I was ready to have a job and get out of the house a little, I miss you so terribly much. Some days I have breakdowns and daddy has to reassure me that I'm doing the right thing. I know that we both needed this, and you absolutely LOVE your daycare, but some days I wonder why I'm taking time away from my own baby to stay with 18 other kids. I know the answer to this question, It's because some of these kids get all the attention and love from school not from home. As sad as it is Emery Jack, not all parents take care of, or love their children as much as your dad and I love you. You are such a lucky boy! We are very lucky parents.

This month has been full of changes! You started daycare full-time and so far we've been doing great with that. I started work this month and then a week after I went to work it was your dad's turn. We have settled, for the most part, into our new schedules.

You are really working hard on saying words and some new words that popped out this month were: Meow which sounds like Noooowwww, Hi which sounds like Hiiieeeeee and you put anything you can to your ear and talk into it like a cell phone, E is what you call all of your foam letters for the bath, You have really been saying daddy lately and it sounds like daDEE.

You are also quite the imitator. We have a dvd in our cabinet at home and you always look for the Wild Kingdom DVD with the Cheetah and Gorilla on the front, then you point to the cheetah and growl and point to the gorilla and bounce up and down doing monkey noises. You are such a silly boy.

You have started teething again and earlier this month you finally got your 6th tooth so you're even again. You have 4 on top and 2 on bottom, but you're getting 2 more right now and you have been a cranky boy lately.

Your Aunt Stori got you a tractor that is a power wheel and you push a button on the steering wheel to make it go, you LOVE IT! You've just started to get into riding on things and this tractor blows bubbles while you drive, which is something else that you're very much into right now.

Last month we got you some fish because we took back the puppies we thought we needed and apparently giving back the dogs was a good decision because we've successfully killed all of your fish. :( We bought 4 more fish and 4 days later we have 1 fish, 1 snail, 1 shrimp and a sucker fish. At least dad and I have managed to keep you up and going. :)

Emery Jack every day we love you so much more than the last. I cannot wait to see what then next year brings us!

We love you to the MOOOON and back!



Sunday, July 24, 2011

15 Months Old!

Dear Emery Jack,

You have hit a milestone, 15 months old today that is CRAZY! I know I say this with every month's post, but you really are growing at a crazy speed. Next Wednesday we will be going for your 15 month check up at the doctor and seeing how much you've grown, I'm sure it's a lot. You somewhere within the last few weeks have transformed from a sweet little baby to a very independent toddler.

You are obsessed with your shoes, I think because you know that when you have them on you get to go places, so you bring them to me at least 5 times a day to wear them. I tease with you and put them on my toes and you point to them and start talking. "Mom, cut the crap these are my shoes and I'd appreciate it if you'd put them where they belong so we can get on with our day."

You've discovered that peek-a-boo is a game that can be played endlessly and still be as surprising as the first time. "Oh, you're still behind your hands? Mom, you are a riot!"

This month your dad and I lost our minds and went crazy for less than 24 hours when we decided to get you not one, but two puppies! It was exciting at first, but later when we were trying to keep an eye on 3 toddlers we decided that we were not ready for this crazy change and took your "sisters" back that very next morning, as early as we could. That mistake won't be made again for a very long time.

Instead, we decided to get you a fish tank and it has been so much fun watching you walk up to the fish tank and wave at the fish that we've named Thomas, Kipper, Nina, and Star- All the names of your favorite cartoon characters. :) These fish don't cry at night or potty on the floor, so I'd say they were a good investment.

This month also marked the first night EVER that you were away from your Mommy. For your Great-Grandpa's 70th Birthday your dad and I flew to Sedona, Arizona for three days and were away from you from Thursday morning to Sunday morning. I was SO sad the entire time we were away from you. And the night before we left I had a small anxiety attack for having to leave you for so long. I wanted to you to understand that we didn't leave for good and was so worried that you wouldn't take it very well. You did fabulous though! You stayed with your Aunt Stori and Cousin's Maggie and Macee. You had so much fun swimming and going to garage sales and probably eating things that I normally wouldn't allow.... that you weren't worried that mom and dad haven't been around for 3 days. You were very glad to see us that Sunday morning that we came back, and I cannot even begin to tell you how happy we were to see you! The trip was good for dad and I, but we would have preferred that you be there with us.

That week I told you that you couldn't mess with the bookshelf at our house, and you replied with a "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" while you were pointing at me and shaking your finger. I tried really hard not to laugh, but it was so funny. Miss Sharon at daycare also said that she could tell you had spent the weekend with older kids, because you were being very assertive. Oy! The terrible two's are right around the corner.

That very next weekend you went to Butler with your dad to see your Great Grandma who had just been let out of the hospital after a surgery, and I stayed home to have a yard sale that we had been planning for quite awhile. Dad came home early on Saturday and you got to stay an extra night with your Grandma and Grandpa Jennings because they really wanted to have you for one night by themselves. You had a great time.

I cannot believe that we're already in the sleep over stages. You are growing too fast Emery and I need you to slow down just a little bit :)

I love you to the MOON and Back!



(You were so happy to have us home. You fell asleep on my lap, and later watched daddy play angry birds. :) )

Friday, June 24, 2011

14 Months

Dear Emery Jack,

Today you are 14 months old! Every month gets faster and faster and I want to hold on to every little memory! Every time you point to something with your chubby little fingers, every time you're doing something you're not supposed to (like taking our books out of the bookshelf) and then you look over at me and grin because you know I cannot resist your smile, and every time you see or hear something that tickles you and you start to laugh. I love these moments and will cherish every single one.

This month you're really started to point to things and I love to watch you try and talk to me and tell me what you want as you're pointing at it. Tonight you kept pointing to my cell phone, or my iced tea and were pleading with the crazy little sounds that come out of your mouth.

You've also started to get a real temper. If we aren't going where you're wanting us to go you have little melt downs or if you're trying to tell us something and we're not giving into your demands you throw your arms around and shake your head NO. I never realized the terrible 2's began so EARLY! :) You really are a pleasant boy most of the time, but we can't be pleasant all the time, what fun would that be?

This week we caught our first cold from the daycare kids, all three of us! It started with you and a little cough and then the cough turned into sneezing, fevers, and snot rockets. No really, I have never seen snot fly so far and then your first reaction is to smear it all over your face. It really doesn't bother me like I thought it would. I just grab it and wipe it on my pants. Welcome to Motherhood, Char-Marie :)

We took you to the Doctor's on Monday and by Wednesday both your dad and I woke up with a horrible sore throat. We've all been walking around with tissue boxes, vicks vapor rub, and tylenol. Now instead of chasing you around with kleenex or baby wipes, you just lean into the tissues. I think you're sick of this cold too. You missed all this week at daycare :(

We have been keeping up on our nightly walk, however, we've only missed 2 days this week. You seem to perk up when it's time to go outside and run for the door as soon as your shoes are on your feet.

I am so blessed to be your mommy Emery Jack, and I love you to the moon and back.



(P.s The picture is from tonight's wagon ride. I'm getting better at getting this done on time!)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Things are going Way to quickly these days!

Dear Emery,

On our way to your first day of daycare!
You thought you needed your mommy :)
Today was your second day at daycare and things are going really well! I'm so excited for you to meet new friends, you seem to get along well with the other kids (all girls) already. Yesterday when I dropped you off for the first time on your own I was a little sad, but you eased my mind when you just walked into the classroom like you'd been there forever. I feel like your dad and I have done our job because you seemed so confident and well adjusted. Lots of people ask me if I was sad that you didn't cry and reach for me when I left and I honestly can say that I'm so happy that this has turned out to be such an easy transition for you.
Sitting in your school table eating breakfast. 

I called a few hours into your first day yesterday and the teacher said you were doing really well and the only time you got mad at her was when she told you not to eat rocks. :) That's my boy! When I picked you up you had a handful of them playing outside with the other kids. As soon as you saw me you dropped the rocks and ran to me with your arms up and jabbered all about your day, or at least that's what I think you were talking about with me. That made me feel really good! I missed you all day long and was just as excited, if not MORE excited to see you! It's an adjustment for all of us.

The only problem that you had on the first day was at nap time and that was because the teacher said you weren't crazy about the idea of being in your pack n' play when there were so many things you needed to do in the room, like drag out all the toys. I can't say that I blame you. I've dropped the ball a little with nap time at our house because you are such a pleasant boy (most of the time) so I let you continue playing when you're being good. That being said, it's time to get you back on a nap schedule so we don't drive the teachers nuts! You did do so much better today at nap time though so maybe we're on to something!

I am SO PROUD of you Emery Jack and I love you to the MOON and back!



Saturday, May 28, 2011

13 Months

Dear Emery Jack,

Two days before you turned 13 months old, on Sunday May 22nd, a massive EF-5 tornado ripped through a the neighboring town of Joplin, Mo. That night your dad and I were watching the news and knew a tornado was on the ground, but no one could have predicted the devastation that this storm produced. It directly hit a hospital and ripped through 6 miles of homes and businesses. Even with a 26 minute warning these people had no chance. Stories poured in of people missing, including a story about a 16 month old boy named Skyuler Logsdon who was ripped from his mother's arms. This story has haunted me since the second I learned that this little boy was missing. I prayed and prayed for the safe recovery of baby Skyuler, but sadly he was found not far from where his mother was found. His mother is in the hospital and will never hold her baby boy in her arms again. I think about how his mother laid in a hospital bed for days, not knowing where her baby was or if he was ok. I cannot imagine the sadness this mother is feeling over the loss of her son.

Emery Jack we are so very blessed to have you in our life. You are the light in our eyes. I thank God every day that I was picked to be your mommy, and I know you're daddy feels the same way. You are the most precious little boy, full of life, you're personality is shining through and it is brilliant. You've started dancing when we sing to you and you're favorite thing right now is wrestling with daddy. (You love to carry around baby spoons, and if you ever figure out how to use utensils as weapons you're dad and I are in trouble!)

This week we toured some schools for you to attend when we go back to work in August and when we looked at the room that you'd be in you went straight to the other babies and started playing and didn't even look back at us to see if we were still around. It made me feel good that you felt secure and were able to go off on your own, but in the back of my head I was so sad that you were growing up so fast.

You've started sleeping a little longer during the nights, and even when you do wake up and I'm exhausted, I thank God that I have a baby to wake up for. I cherish every moment I have with you Emery, because any moment could be our last.

I love you to the MOON and back!



Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Birthday Party!

Dear Emery Jack,

One week after your birthday, we celebrated with your birthday party on April 30th, 2011! There were lots of friends and family and we had so much fun. Originally we were supposed to have your birthday at the park so we could play outside and take rides in the wagon you love so much, but it looked like it was going to rain so we decided last minute to have it at home. Here are some photos of your birthday party and yes, I made all of the birthday treats myself!



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to my 1 year old!

Dear Emery Jack,

Picture first thing in the morning on your birthday!
Once again it's late, but I didn't want to take any time out on your birthday to sit and write anything down. I wanted to spend as much time with you soaking up the moment. Everything goes by so quickly and I cannot believe that my little baby is now a toddler! Happy Birthday to you my little munchkin, Mommy and Daddy LOVE you SO very much!

I cannot even begin to explain all of the changes that you've gone through over the past couple of days let alone an entire month. We'll start by saying you now have 4 teeth!! I really wasn't sure you would have any teeth by your first birthday, but now you have two on top and two on bottom! Did I mention that they work? :) You haven't gotten really bold with them yet, but you have clamped down on me a couple of times. (No hard feelings)

Sweetest little smile EVER!
They are the cutest teeth I've ever seen and every time you crack your smile they just shine :) Although, I can see an orthodontist in your future. :(

You have been such a ham lately and talk and talk like you're really trying to tell us something important. We'll say something and you'll respond and raise your little eyebrows, I have conversations with you all day long.
My amazing boy!

You now get to sit front facing in the car and you LOVE IT! You zone out watching the other cars, or the windshield wipers since it's been raining nonstop for over a week. We were going to go to the zoo for your birthday, which was on Easter this year, but we were rained out and instead stayed home and had a mini celebration before the part on this coming Saturday.

Your Nanna, Papa, Giddy, Grandma Cookie, Papaw, and Uncle Jake were there and so were your cousins Maggie and Macee. You played and played, you love to follow Maggie and Macee around and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the giant lollipops they kept sticking in your mouth that they got from the Easter Bunny.

You also got your haircut and look so different. You look like a big kid now, no more wispy hair sticking out from under your hat. You have grown so much and it makes me feel slightly out of breath, because I know that all of our snuggles, and the fact that if anything happens to you , you come straight to mommy are not going to be like this for a whole lot longer. Time flies when you're having fun.

Soon there will be huge changes in all of our lives, because I just got a job teaching third graders at an elementary school close by. We have all of the summer to pal around and as soon as August comes Mom and Dad go to work and you will be going to daycare for the first time in your tiny life. My heart is breaking. I am so thrilled to get to go back to teaching and get back into the swing of things, but it is very overshadowed by the thought of someone getting to spend more time with you than I do and that thought hurts my heart. I hope you know how much your mommy and daddy love you and that me going back to work is the best thing in the long run for all three of us.

Emery Jack, I love you to the MOON and back!



Thursday, March 24, 2011

11 Months

Dear Emery Jack,

Look, I'm actually on time and given the past couple of days we've had this is a MIRACLE! You've been really working on getting some teeth and this has caused some sleeping "issues". Needless to say, you haven't been sleeping through the night. Whoever coined the phrase, "Sleeping like a baby" to mean that you slept very peaceful should be shot. :)

I cannot even begin to tell you all of the accomplishments that you've made this past month. We have seen you grow so much and we are so very proud of you.

You've learned to clap. You're sweet little chubby hands are so cute, you were sitting on the floor watching Sesame Street and something made you excited and you just started clapping. Yes, you missed a few times and almost fell over in the process, but you are a seasoned pro at this now!

You also had your first SLEEP ALL NIGHT! I was SO excited! Of course I didn't sleep all night, I kept waking up at your normal hours wondering what you were doing in there... You slept from 10 that night to 9 a.m the following morning. I should have known it was too good to last because that was your first and only time you've slept through the night.

Another HUGE deal was walking this month! You started by taking small steps away from the couch and then falling down, then it turned into walking from couch to couch, then you started walking to people, then just the other night you were playing in your room and your dad and I were in the living room all of a sudden HERE YOU CAME! You walked out of the bedroom and into the living room like it was no big deal! Occasionally you'll stop walking so that you can clap for yourself, it's sort of like the chewing gum and walking.... Sometimes we can't do both. :)

You had your first trip to the zoo this month with Daddy and I, you also had your first ride in the wagon. You looked like such a big boy, you LOVED the wagon! You also loved watching daddy feed the goats at the petting zoo, it was pretty silly.

Books have always fascinated you, but lately you've really been interested in them. You'll sit in your room and look at all of your books, just piles and piles of books around you. A couple of nights ago you picked up a book, brought it to your dad, and sat on his lap so he could read it to you. You did the same to me last night.

This morning you crawled into my lap and just sat with me. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does I make sure to be in the moment. I love the way your hair smells, the little dimples in your hands, the way your lips purse together when you're studying something. I am the luckiest momma in the world!

I love you Emery Jack, to the Mooooooon and back!



(Pictures of your picnic to the park with mom and dad)

Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Months.

Dear Emery Jack,

It's crazy how the time flies! You are 10 months old now and I cannot believe that we've made it this far! Your dad and I always say things like, "Where did the little baby go?" It seems like only a little bit ago we were saying, "When do you think he'll get on those knees and crawl?" Now we're saying things like, "Emery Jack, get your fingers out of the VCR!" This is something that just recently has peaked your interest :)

You are a very independent baby and you want to do everything you have your mind set at. We walk with you everywhere until our backs are breaking, you have decided recently that you want to hold onto fingers and walk. EVERYWHERE! If for some reason you cannot get ahold of our hands, or if we hide them behind our backs you go into meltdown mode. You seem to be Very Dramatic. Maybe you'll be an Actor? The other day you were so upset at me for telling you No that you cried so hard I thought you were going to throw up. You were gagging yourself in between blood curdling screams....

A couple days ago we took family pictures and had to cancel them mid-way through because you decided you didn't want to have pictures taken right then, you wanted to sit on the photographers lap. You definitely do not know a stranger, you smile at everyone that looks your way and lift your arms up to them. I've had to many times tell strangers, that they need to leave you in the cart while shopping at Wal-Mart. You're just that irresistible.

I love you.


*Here are some of the sneek peaks before you turned into a pumpkin. :)

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

9 Months.

Dear Emery Jack,

You're beginning to see a pattern by now, I'm never on time with these blog posts, but that's because I'm always trying to be on time with all the other tasks at hand. I cannot BELIEVE that you have now been out longer than you were in! Huge milestones. I dreamed of what it would be like when you reached this age and were able to interact with us, but never thought it would be as amazing as it is.

We love you more every single day!! You've started waving which is the sweetest thing ever. It happened at Wal-Mart with the customers, even though we had been trying and trying for weeks to get you to move that chubby little arm. :)

You have definitely become Mr. Independent, and throw fits if you do not get to feed yourself. I'm worried though, because you do not get much into your mouth, it's normally all down the walls or all over the floor. Yesterday you shoved oatmeal up your nose then it shot out like an oatmeal rocket when you sneezed. You've also attempted to give kisses and it's a sloppy, drooly mess, but we LOVE them.

Instead of getting scared when daddy comes around the corner playing with you, you chase daddy. You are such a silly little guy. At night when it's close to bedtime you are the goofiest little guy and throw your arms up and fall backwards onto your back. We think you might need a helmet if this continues on, It doesn't seem to bother you though. :)

You are finally able to have "graduates" baby food like corn snacks and cookies and it makes me a little sad, where is my tiny baby?

Right now daddy is making you lunch and asking you what you might want, you have such a wonderful daddy. He has been able to be home with us for two days, SNOWED IN! You've made it through your first REAL snow storm, the "Storm of the Century" is what they're calling it. We've had so much snow, and every morning, first thing, we go to the window to see the Winter Wonderland, and you sneeze because it's so bright. I love you.



Thursday, January 06, 2011

8 Months, a little late...

Dear Emery Jack,

As you can tell I am writing this month a little late, because once again your 8 month birthday landed on another holiday. We are playing catch up and have just begun to get you back on a normal (for us) sleep schedule.

You are becoming such a big boy and we are really starting to see that little personality shining through. You are such a silly boy, you love to play and laugh with and AT us. We would do anything in the world to make you laugh and don't mind that we look like complete idiots.

The holidays went well. We spend the 23rd with your Nana, Papa, and Giddy Cochrane. It was so nice to see all three babies together for Christmas. You weren't sure what to do with all the packages being thrown your direction since for the past month we had been telling you "NO" anytime you got near them. We helped you open your gifts, and it was no surprise that you were more into the wrapping paper and how it tasted, than the actual gifts themselves. You ended up with one of Macee's Christmas gifts because when she opened it up it scared her to death and she hurled it across the room, it turns out that Rex from Toy Story 3 isn't Macee's cup of tea. You, on the other hand, LOVE him and smile every time you hear him roar.

Christmas Eve was spent at home watching The Godfather, ask your dad, and I may have thrown in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The old version, because it's the best.

Christmas Morning you opened your gifts under our Christmas tree and your Dad and I laughed because what kid wouldn't love opening clothes, shoes, socks, and books? Your grandparents had got you so many toys that we thought we would take the practical route this Christmas. *However we cannot wait for next Christmas when we definitely will have fun things under the tree for you.

After we opened your gifts we loaded you up so we could celebrate with your Nana Cookie, Papaw, and Uncle Jake. We also got to see the Jennings' from Texas and Uncle Matt, and Uncle Daron. You got LOADS of stuff to bring home and play play play all night long.

You have just started babbling and this should probably be on your next letter, but I'm so excited about it I have to add it in. We hear Dada, baba, yaya...and you've even made attempts at the "Mmama" sound :) I know right now you're just trying these on for size, but I cannot wait until you know who you're talking to. It melts my heart to see how big you've gotten.

And I cannot believe that you've almost been out as long as you were in.

I love you as big as the WORLD, and twice n' twice as much.

