About Me

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Springfield, Missouri, United States
Char-Marie * Twenty-Nine * College Grad * Stay at Home Mommy * Web Designer * My Husband Colby * My Son Emery * Friends * Family * Yoga * Sweet tea * Shoes * Shopping * Music * Independent Films * Sushi * Mimosa * My nieces Maggie and Macee * Missouri

Blog Archive

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh Boy!

Colby and I had our big ultrasound on Wednesday, December 9th and it was so amazing. I've been pretty kept together when it comes to this baby and haven't really cried except when I found out I was pregnant...lots of emotions going on... But this was the kicker. It wasn't like a flood of tears more like, " Oh, an arm bone...it's so beautiful. (wipe tear)"

It was such an amazing feeling seeing our baby moving around and knowing that everything looked healthy.

Here is the ultrasound picture of our SON, he is so beautiful!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bump watch 2009-2010!

So my morning sickness has started to subside. I can actually eat now at night and feel pretty good in the morning. I am, however, battling a sinus infection/chest cold I cannot get over it. I have a humidifier with vicks vapor in our bedroom and I have to tell you it smells like an old folks home in my townhouse. Poor Colby. I have had vicks under my nose and on my chest every night for weeks! My nose is driving me crazy, if I could get away with sticking a kleenex in my nose for the day I WOULD!

But.... other than the chesty cold/cough I'm fantastic. I cannot believe that I have a little person growing in me! That is the most bizarre thing, I walk past the mirror in the bathroom and take a double take. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?! I am 2 days from being 13 weeks- when the baby's ears are developed enough to hear me. You better believe this little baby will be listening to some Bob Marley and I might even throw in some Elvis Presley.... We need to be well rounded. :)

I never thought I would reach a point in pregnancy where I felt this great. I cannot even describe to you the way I feel. I've always wondered what it would be like and I cannot believe this is my life right now. Complete bliss.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What's New?

Oh Internet,

I have had morning sickness.... I'm talking MORNING SICKNESS, run, tripping through the bed sheets to the bathroom, morning sickness! One thing I've learned about this whole process is that morning sickness is not just "morning" sickness. Oh no, it's all day long sickness. I had bruises from where I was leaning into the toilet. one on each wrist and one right in the center of my chest. I was a hot mess.

I have found though with a routine, that I do NOT change, I can manage this crippling sickness. I have been feeling a lot better this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe the worst days are over.... (knock on wood) Other pregnant women I've talked to just frown and say, "Oh you poor thing, you're only 7 weeks... you have such a long way to go!" Oy!

Our due date was originally May 7th, 2010, but has since been moved up to May 1st. Maybe we'll have a May day baby. :) One thing is for sure, this is going to be a very interesting/exciting/trying year.


June's #2

Friday, August 28, 2009

Who can keep a secret??

I'm not sure how many people even read this blog, but if you do follow my erratic posts then I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Before I tell you this secret, I am going to first say that if you are also my friend on facebook...please do not post anything to my wall, but feel free to send me a message in my inbox :)

We are expecting a new addition to our family. Due date April/May-ish. We are absolutely FLOORED! We are very very excited and even though it's still very very early on in this journey, I had to scream it to the Internet!!! I'm PREGNANT!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bangable Blog Babe....

So I'm minding my own business getting ready to post to my blog when I notice that in the live feed I see that people are arriving to my blog via: bangableblogbabes.blogspot.com

"Hmm..." I say to myself and decide to check it out. I'm scrolling through the page when I SEE MY FACE on June's Top 5 Bangable Blog Babes! I'm not sure if I should be stoked that I'm #2 or if I should be disgusted (leaning more toward the stoked if you care to know).

Here's what the post said:

Char-Marie : She's graduating with her degree in teaching this year, but I'd like to hire her as my personal sex education tutor.

The most hilarious thing of all is that I am in no way Smooth or Sexy. Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most uncoordinated, ungraceful girl, but you can bet that the next time I'm out and some random girl is hitting on my husband I'm going to lean over and say, "Move over bitch, I'm June's #2!"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here comes the sun....

Spring break has officially come to an end. Tomorrow I have to go back to work, and it's bittersweet. I know that going back to work means we're closer to warm weather, but I also know that I'll be there all summer long when I could be out in the nice weather. BLAH. I'm looking forward to interview time again when I can maybe find an elementary job. I would be SO SO happy working with older kids again. I love my preschool kids, but I like to actually teach. I like talking about history, science....even math is fun. I miss all that so much. I miss having my own room to do my own thing in, and not having to wait to see what the other lead teacher will do. I'm in a funk.

I'm ready for the sun.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fashion Accessories

The other night I had a dream that I was pregnant, and this isn't so weird except that when you had your baby it came with a designer hand bag. Immediately I began thinking that I hope my bag doesn't end up with lots of zippers and buckles...Ouch.

I've been trying to figure out what would prompt me to have such an odd dream. Colby and I have thought about starting a family lately, does this mean I'm still too selfish to take on such a responsibility? Either way this is the bag that I envisioned...

A Marc Jacobs "Woman's Classic Angela Hobo"
I love this bag, too bad it didn't also come with a nice pair of Christian Louboutin Heels....

Spring Break 2009

Dear Readers,

This week is spring break for Washington State University and for the preschool I work at, so Colby and I went on a much needed vacation to the Oregon Coast. Amazing. Let's break this down. We drove from Pullman, WA - long drive, but beautiful.

We arrived in Newport, OR around 5:30 p.m and the view from our room was SO gorgeous, we had a 180 degree view of the ocean from our room. We went to sleep to the sound of the ocean and woke up to the sound of the seagulls. When we woke up we went to Yaquina lighthouse and went all the way to the top to look out over the ocean. Then we made our way down to the beach to visit the tide pools and it was amazing! We were able to touch starfish and sea anemones and stood about 50 feet from sea lions. Then we made our way down to the Oregon State Aquarium where I got to pet sharks and sting rays- A huge deal for me because if you weren't aware, I'm extremely afraid of fish...fish with teeth to be more exact.

We had a fantastic time! If you haven't been to the Oregon coast definitely GO!

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Lovely Meme...

What are your middle names?
My middle name is non-existent, as in I have no middle name. Colby's middle name is Colby... He goes by his middle name.

How long have you been together?
We've been married almost 2 years and before that we were together 6 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met via a friend... We talked to each other for about 5 months before we started dating.

Who asked whom out?
I guess I asked him... or maybe it was a mutual thing?

How old are each of you?
I am 25 and Colby is 24.. but not for much longer. We have a small window when we're the same age. :) As of now he's sleeping with an older woman.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
We don't see either of them at the moment with us living all the way out in Washington and our families back in the Midwest. Colby's brother Jacob lives in Missouri and my sister Stori lives in Kentucky with her husband and two babies. When we lived back home we saw Colby's brother more often because he was closer.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
I think being away from home has been a hard thing to deal with as a couple. I'm not in a job that I find fantastic right now, so I'm missing home more than I thought and I miss the things we were able to do at home. It gets lonely out here in Washington when we each have a busy load. I also tend to keep things bottled in, and Colby always seems to have to drag things out of me. I am working on that. I'll always be working on that.

Did you go to the same school?
We didn't go to high school together, but we did go to Missouri State University together. We graduated in 2007.

Are you from the same home town?
No. Colby is from a small town south of Kansas City - Butler, Mo and I'm from a small town in Southwest Missouri called, Aurora. Apparently people from Southwest Missouri have an accent, or so my mother-in-law says.. :)

Who is smarter?
Colby is far smarter than I am. He is able to retain all this information- anything he reads, watches on T.V. or hears he is able to regurgitate when the time's right. I have my moments, but I tend to work twice as hard at it.

Who is the most sensitive?
Ahem. Next question.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
There aren't a lot of places here in Pullman, WA to pick from, but we have a little restaurant in Moscow, ID that we enjoy called, The Red Door. It's fantastic and always a great date night.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Who has the craziest exes?
Wow. We've both had the exes....I don't know that I would call any of mine crazy, "different" maybe, but not crazy. Colby has had some winners too though....and he wins this one. Drama QUEENS!

Who has the worst temper?

I think we both are pretty level headed when it comes to this one, but.... I'm going to go ahead and raise my hand on this one. It depends on the day, but if it's not going particularly well I have a short fuse. It doesn't last very long, but they're not pleasant. You want to be on my good side, we'll leave it at that. Especially if you're the guy that just cut me off in traffic.

Who does the cooking?
Colby is the cook in this relationship, although I have my very small pool of recipes that I pull from. He's always trying new things and adding in secret ingredients. I love love love that I have a husband who likes to get his hands dirty in the kitchen!

Who is the neat-freak?
Neither one of us are neat-freaks. This is not a good thing. We will do things like leave the vacuum in the middle of the staircase and walk around it for like a week before we really notice we're struggling to get past the damn thing. Then we'll put it away ..... the next week. We are, however, a great cleaning team when we put our minds to it. I think we're just so busy and we've moved so many times that it's not a big deal anymore if the spatula is in the drawer where it belongs, or sitting on the staircase with the vacuum.

Who is more stubborn?
Colby. Enough said.

Who hogs the bed?
Me, but not on purpose. I still maintain that I'm just warming up his side of the bed. I'm a flailer.

Who wakes up earlier?
It depends on the day. If Colby is going to the gym then he's up at 5:30. If he isn't then at 8:00 I'm at the bottom of the stairs yelling, "I'll see you at 6! Are you still in bed?! GET UP! Ok, I'm leaving.....coooooooooooolbbbby wake up.... Ok bye... See you tonight? I love you? Hello?" until he comes downstairs and tells me to have a good day.

Where was your first date?
The James River Grill in Springfield.

Who is more jealous?
This information is protected by the therapist-client privilege.

How long did it take to get serious?

It was always serious, I knew I would be with him forever.

Who eats more?
I think I eat more often, but Colby is always finishing the things on my plate. Does that make us even?

Who does the laundry?
We both do when we think of it. Again with the neat-freak thing.

Who's better with the computer?
Hands down that would be Colby. He can build a computer blindfolded with one hand tied behind his back... It makes me so hot.

Who drives when you are together?
Colby when he has his glasses on. I drive everyday to work and he walks, so when we're together I let him have a turn. I like to put my feet on the dashboard. Dangerous I know, but I like to live on the wild side.

Feel free to answer some or all of the same questions about your significant other in the comments, or leave a link to your website if you prefer answering there.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

In need of inspiration.

I've been thinking a lot lately about downgrading the apartment and moving to a smaller place. Mainly to save some cash, but I really am in need of purging myself of some of the things I've been carrying around with me from place to place. Colby and I have accumulated so much stuff. Mainly things that people wanted to get rid of themselves so they "gave" to us to help us out, but now we are so cluttered.

It seems like we every time we move I start going through things and get rid of A LOT of junk, but we always end up dragging with us things that we haven't unpacked from two moves ago.
I'm really going to do some major overhauling in the next few weeks. I'm tired of being weighed down by stuff.