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Springfield, Missouri, United States
Char-Marie * Twenty-Nine * College Grad * Stay at Home Mommy * Web Designer * My Husband Colby * My Son Emery * Friends * Family * Yoga * Sweet tea * Shoes * Shopping * Music * Independent Films * Sushi * Mimosa * My nieces Maggie and Macee * Missouri

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Chocolate, Bears, and Singing Roses....Yep, that about covers it!

Valentine's day.....*blah* What is the point of Valentine's Day? I need someone to explain this to me. It's really just a day that EVERY STORE ON THE PLANET talks about and makes into such a big deal, then everyone starts thinking of all the romantic things that can happen on Valentine's Day.....and are let down. For most people it's just a depressing day filled with candy, singing roses, and bears full of fluff! Who needs it.

On the other hand my boyfriend got me a cool thing for my iPod. *love ya Colb* I'm taking Colby on a train ride and out to dinner, should be fun.

I have successfully made it through half of valentine's day, the last half of it i'll be at work. HOW ROMANTIC!

Come by and see me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart valentines day. And I am working through the evening! Maybe I'll get some love-scorned couple who tries to attack each other. would be interesting...

on another note, the pooh thing was hilarious. you know what it made me think of?
what would you do with a heffalump? with a heffalump? with a heffalump!