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Springfield, Missouri, United States
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I feel like I'm working 24-7 and I'm FREAKING BROKE! Uhh it's awful. I just wonder sometimes where it goes, because I never do anything, but drive back and forth....ohh yeah I drive! I'm living in my car. I'm so glad that it's dependable (knock on wood!)

My days are running together. It's all I can do to wake up in the morning and put a jump in my step. I am a walking zombie. I could literally sleep standing up, and have on a few occasions. The other night I had a moment of free time and Corey, Jake, and I were watching lost and Corey looked over at me- (Apparently I was starting off into space with this horrible look on my face) He asked if I was alright, and I blurted out something about the constitution. You see, I'm working on a 6 week unit plan teaching the constitution and Missouri Gov't to fourth graders and it's all I can think about.

If you're reading this and remember ANYTHING about how you were taught the constitution/gov't *a fun way* PLEASE- an ideas will help.


Anonymous said...

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John QUUUINCY ADAMS, Andrew Jackson, Martin van Buren..

that is all I remember. I know it has nothing to do with the Constitution, but I just remember that damn song!!!!!! I can still sing it TO THIS DAY.


Anonymous said...

"School House Rock"! It's got it all: catchy tune, fun lyrics and cartoons. I know it is available on DVD and there was a CD out a couple of years ago with modern bands doing covers. Check it out.