Lets take a journey into the past shall we? Close your eyes and imagine a very
awkward 10 year old girl. This girl wore pants with the elastic band that went around the bottom of the foot, I believe they're called stirrup pants, her hair was short and she usually looked as though she went through a shit storm before school everyday. During her free time she would get together with her best pal, who also wore stirrup pants...Sorry
Linz. They concocted great things together.
Shampoo that we assured was not tested on animals, rather my little sister,
Stori. We made a volcano and blew it up in third grade, and experimented with a bottle warmer in fourth grade.
Lets jump back to the present. A few mornings ago I was so thirsty the first thing that came out of my mouth when Colby got out of bed was, "I need a drink. Juice, the cranberry-grape kind. Please." Like a wicked cool fiance he ran downstairs and came back with a glass of juice. I drank some and finally got out of bed, the juice held close to me like a squirrel holds his last nut. I took the juice to the computer room and proceeded getting ready for work. The next day I went about the same routine, but the nice glass of juice I had left on my desk was no longer
nice. A large mushroom cap of mold had begun to grow.
Now, we all know that it takes at least a week before your juice begins to grow legs and walk, so I thought:
If this happened in one day, what could happen in one week... The little girl in me laughed because she knew
Linz would be proud.
One week to the day I decided it has started to get out of hand and added water to it with the intention to pour it down the bathroom sink. As soon as the water hit it started to smoke. My 'OH SHIT' sensor went off and my first instinct was to dump it down the toilet, close the lid, and flush. Immediately afterward I heard this huge explosion and remembered what the teachers had said about- Tuck and roll...
or was that someone else? Anyhow I screamed for Colby and he came running up the stairs unaware that I had just about blew away the top floor of our townhouse.
I stood outside the door only peeking around the corner every now and again. Colby was very confused to the situation. I'm definitely going to try it again.